• Student Storage Tips: Where to Put Your Stuff During the Holidays

    If your university is a fair way away from home, then it may be too far to drive home and back easily. You may find that it's easier and quicker to fly. While this solves the problem of how you get home to your parents in the holidays, it leaves you with another problem: what do you do with all your stuff? If you're going home for the summer break and you're between homes at uni until the next semester starts, then you may have a lot of stuff to deal with.
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  • 3 Common Blunders to Avoid When Buying a Cool Room Facility

    For butcher shops and restaurants that serve perishable foods like meat and milk and so on, cool room installation is a prerequisite. For pharmaceutical companies, some drugs need to be stored at a given temperature which calls for the use of cold rooms. In laboratory experiments, some samples need to be kept in the freezer for future use. Apparently, cold rooms can serve a wide range of functions. Because of the necessity of a cold room, you don't want to make a mistake during the buying process and end up with a facility that doesn't meet your storage needs.
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  • 3 Important Utilities When Selecting A Food Warehouse

    Unlike most nonperishable goods, food requires unique conditions during storage. This ensures that food items can remain stored for an extended period without going bad. When you are looking for storage for most goods, the main considerations will be getting a space that is secure and dry. However, additional factors have to be assessed when you are selecting a storage space for food. Below are several utilities which have to be present when you are choosing an ideal food warehousing location.
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  • 3 Tips on How to Protect Your Furniture When Moving House

    Moving house can be expensive. Given this, you might feel tempted to hire a truck and transport your belongings by yourself, to avoid incurring expenses of a removal company. However, when transporting furniture, a DIY house move is not advisable, as this could turn disastrous for your valuable pieces of furniture. Moreover, lifting sofas, wardrobes, piano etc. when lacking the proper equipment, skill or physical strength, could not only cause accidental damage to your furniture but could also leave your neck or back seriously injured.
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  • Getting ready to go into storage

    Whether you're storing furniture and other items during a move or just need a place to put your excess belongings, a storage unit will keep your belongings safe until you're ready to collect them. Moving your things into storage will be much easier if you take a few simple steps before your make your move.  Take it to bits Large items of furniture like tables, desks, beds and bookcases take up a lot of room and can be tricky to move.
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